Physical Therapy

Receive direct one-on-one doctoral care in the comfort of your home, gym, or workplace to get you pain free and back to doing what you love ASAP!

In-Person One-on-One personal training

Looking for direct face-to-face training? One-on-one personal training provides direct interaction with the complete focus on you for a 60-minute workout perfectly tailored to your goals, biomechanics, and level of fitness.

Online Workout Programming

You feel competent in the gym- but, you have hit a snag, plateau, or just need some direction toward your next goal. Online training will fulfill your needs! Online training includes a direct connection with me, at least one weekly check-in, videos for each exercise demonstrating proper technique, and daily programmed workouts tailored specifically for you! This is the best option for those looking for professionally programed workouts but feels confident in their ability to adhere to form cues in the videos and specified in the program.

Group/Small Group Training

Have a group of friends interested in personal training but don’t want the personal training cost? Group training is for you! Join in with your loved ones and work on your fitness goals together! With years of experience as a group instructor in multiple formats, I am able to give personal attention to each individual despite group settings.

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